Land Registry price paid data and House Price Index
Based on addresses. Need to undertake address matching, but this will change soon when they release spatially linked data. Covers about 50% of dwellings in England and Wales. Link to House Price Index.
Categories: property, real estate
The Census Bureau’s housing data present a comprehensive picture of housing in America. You’ll find a wide range of data on the size, age and type of American homes; home values, rents and mortgages, the housing and construction industry, and more.
Categories: housing, property, real estate
Live tables on dwelling stock (including vacants)
The latest data tables on dwelling stock (including vacants).
Categories: statistical data set, property, real estate
Covers non-domestic buildings. Valuation data along with use class and quite granular data on even floor areas, etc.
Categories: property, real estate
Provides worldiwide high resolution satellite imagery, surface temperature, climate, atmosferic, weather, geophysical, landcover, cropland and other geophysical data from satellites. Also the platforms allows you to see changes from 1980's to 2018 in their timelapse application.
This synthesis multiple open access satellite imagery while simplifing its location and availability.
Programming skills may be required for some features
geoscience, satellite imagery, geospatial data sets, programming
Also some sites provide direct downloads of their satellites imagery such as:
Several open access digital elevation models can be accessed through:
Space Shuttle Radar Topography Mission via USGS Earth Explorer
ASTER Global Digital Elevation Model
Categories: satellite images, environmental
Climate information at aprox 1km2 resolution from 1960 - 2018 also provides projections of climate for climate change scenario analysis. Some climatic variables included are Annual Mean Temperature and Annual Precipitation.
Categories: environmental- climate
Is a script (code) that runs inside QGIS, its suppossed to work copy-pasting and "Run command" to have 34 different basemaps available. Basemaps such as the ones used by Esri, google, Strava, Carto and OSM.
Categories: satellite images
Spatial data
Centre for Cities Data Store - Mulitple datasets on European cities.
Categories: demographics: economics, health, transport, housing welfare, employment in the UK
Copernicus is a European system for monitoring the Earth. The data is processed and provides reliable and up-to-date information in six thematic areas: land, marine, atmosphere, climate change, emergency management and security
How to access the data: https://land.copernicus.eu/user-corner/how-to-access-our-data
Categories: database, mapping
Digimap is an online map and data delivery service, available by subscription to UK Higher and Further Education establishments. Operated by EDINA at the University of Edinburgh, Digimap offers a number of data collections, including Ordnance Survey, historical, geological, LiDAR and marine maps and spatial data.
Categories: database, mapping
Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) is an airborne mapping technique, which uses a laser to measure the distance between the aircraft and the ground.
Categories: mapping - open data, surveys
GADM wants to map the administrative areas of all countries, at all levels of sub-division. It uses a high spatial resolution, and a extensive set of attributes. You can browse their maps or download the data to make your own maps.
Categories: administrative, mapping
Provides open access tools to compare available mapping services, tiles and available maps. They provide paid services utilizing Open Street Map Data, moreover they explain the methods used to provide the service. They support the constant update and collaboration of OSM, and exports a wide variety of urban data.
Categories: mapping - vector, open data, geoscience
More detailed than OS Mastermap for UK. Commercial product, might be available through Bartlett to researchers. Specially detailed for UK buildings.
Categories: mapping - vector, land use
The Open Geography portal from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) provides free and open access to the definitive source of geographic products, web applications, story maps, services and APIs. All content is available under the Open Government Licence v3.0, except where otherwise stated.
Categories: boundaries, postcodes, mapping
Exports a wide variety of urban data constantly provided and updated by users. You can find from building footprint, community centers or pubs worldwide.
Categories: mapping - vector, open data, geoscience
Greenspace Information for Greater London CIC
Information on London's natural environment. Commercial product, but available for researches.
Categories: open space, mapping, species data, habitat data, urban greening
Ordnances Survey (and Address Base)
Exports a wide variety of urban infrastructure data constantly and updated by professionals.
Also have a look at OS address base – used for locating address based data sets. Not open, but OS willing to grant access for student research.
Categories: mapping, terrain, street networks
Social media and commercial applications open data
Urban Environmental Open Data
EA LiDAR survey - highly detailed (up to 50cm res) terrain models and orginal point cloud data. Also contains aerial photography.
Categories: terrain data, aerial photography
England Noise and Air Quality Viewer
The England noise and airquality viewer. The viewer shows road and railway noise level maps and the associated noise Important Areas (IAs) - 'hotspot' locations identified by DEFRA as requiring further investigation. Air Quality Management Areas (AQMAs) are also displayed - areas designated by local authorities and requiring further pollution reduction measures.
Category: environment, noise
Categories: environment, noise
Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) Data
Energy related data and building type, performance, etc.For 8 million individual properties.
Categories: Environmental; Energy; Building - Other Data;
Government open access focused in the United Kingdom, England and London
EU Geospatial Data contains official open data access of intranational statistics for EU members. For example EU population in 1km grid data.
Categories: EU Geospatial Data
Nomis is a service provided by the Office for National Statistics, ONS, to give you free access to the most detailed and up-to-date UK labour market statistics from official sources.
Categories: UK administrative datasets and selected surveys, focus population and labour market
City wide open access data transport, air quality, population, heat island effect and more in multiple formats. One highlight is the London density review for planning applications and designing.
Categories: Government, open access
Wide range of datasets on education, health, transport, government spending, defence, crime, business, environment, society, and touwns and cities. Some specific resources are the Land Registry (UK) and the English Housing Survey.
Categories: government, UK
Explore the UK's largest collection of UK and international social, economic and population data.
Categories: social, economic, population
OTHER data
Data about basic global facts. Gapminder uses surveys to ask representative groups of people simple questions about key-aspects of global development. To see the data, you can go to tools.
How to use: https://vizabi.org/tutorials/2017/04/03/show-your-data/
Categories: data, statistic, surveys
Datasets are organised by Topics and listed on this site. They offer data under three tiers: Open, Safeguarded and Secure. Access to data in the Safeguarded and Secure tier is through a reviewed application process. Further details can be found within the User Guide and Research Approval Guidelines, with an initial application form.
Categories: population, retail, transport, surveys, economy